Posts Tagged ‘political-class’

The NEW White House Rural Council: A “Take-Down”

June 23, 2011

Point-by-Point “Take-Down” of  Executive Order establishing the White House Rural Council:

Below is the White House link to the Press Release “explaining” Executive Order #13575.  You may want to view it first.


1). JOBS — You gotta be kiddin’ me! Yea, right…this administration has a stellar track record with job creation…NOT!  By the way…Government does NOT create jobs. 

 2). Agriculture Market… Expansion: Get Gov’t out of the market!!! The MARKET functions best when central-planners leave it alone, thus the term FREE-MARKET…you know, that thing that once made America the envy of the world!

 3). Innovation — Thru subsidies???? Huh? What??? You gotta be kiddin’ me! Leave us alone, let the market function, get out of the way, repeal most regulations and we’ll innovate like you’ve never seen (which, by the way, these folks have no idea what REAL innovation is).

 4.) Networks: More REGIONALISM here. BTW, REGIONALISM only serves to break-down representative government. Via REGIONAL councils, rather than elected representatives who are able to be held accountable, more rules and regulations will be foisted upon We, the people and we are left without avenues of recourse and redress of grievances.

5). Health Care — Nothing needs to be said about this, we know whats implied here: Centrally-Planned and managed Health Care that will, once again, drive costs up even more that will be chased by more of OUR hard-earned $$$.

 6). Education — Increase Post-Secondary enrollment rates??? Huh? What? Are they going to MANDATE enrollment? Are they going to now pay for college with MORE tax $$$? Increased Graduation rates for rural students in college? Huh? What? Is gov’t going to supply cheat-sheets or tax-payer funded tutors?  Lower standards (again) maybe?

 7). Broadband — this is already well in the works and once again Gov’t is interfering with the market by taking more of OUR $$$ (taxes and “fees”).

 8). Infrastructure — coordinate investment? Huh??? What??? Are we sooooo “stoopid” that we can’t “COORDINATE”?

 9). Ecosystem Markets — Here’s the REAL reason for this council. “Expanding opportunities for conservation”, Uh huh…yea…right. Let me translate this: Increased PRIVATE land management by the FEDs. That means that YOUR (OUR) private land can be used as we see fit IF…IF…IF…we do so the way “they” say we are allowed to do so.

10).  The history of government desires, and resulting policies, to “do good”  reminds me of what Ronald Reagan told us years ago:  “The nine most terrifying words in the English language — I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”   WE REALLY DO NOT NEED OR WANT GOVERNMENT TO BE MORE INVOLVED, YOU’VE DONE ENOUGH ALREADY…Thank you, and goodbye, now!

Thoughts on Thomas Jefferson Memorial “Dance Party”: It’s about the Snake!

June 8, 2011

                      08 June, 2011

This past Saturday, 04 June 2011, my son and I happened to be in Washington D.C.  The timing coincided with the second installment of what is termed: “Dance Party at TJ’s”.  These public displays of dance are in protest of a Supreme Court ruling which upheld a United States Park Service regulation outlawing public-displays of this nature in certain areas of public property.  The Jefferson Memorial rotunda was at the center of this decision.  The first “Dance Party at TJ’s” resulted in multiple arrests and very heavy-handed tactics in carrying out those arrests by Park Service Police.

          This second “Dance Party at TJ’s” was a direct result of how the first was handled.  I will admit, as the “dancing” began it was a bit awkward.  Personally, I enjoy and believe in adhering to the intended reverence a memorial denotes.  Then, in a matter of but a few moments, a soothing calm erased the feeling awkwardness.  As I watched this disparate group — all ages, both sexes, many cultural and racial backgrounds, all across the political spectrum, varying social and economic backgrounds — performing, in what was admittedly a bit unseemly and raucous  dance moves (nothing lewd, mind you – just what would “normally” be deemed “inappropriate”…if that is possible give that this was an “abnormal” situation), I gazed toward the face of Jefferson.  

          At this moment in time the Jefferson Memorial was home to scores of U.S. Park Police, S.W.A.T., uniformed officers with what appeared to M-4 automatic weapons, uniformed officers in riot gear, mounted police (both horse and motorcycle) what I’ll call “plain-clothes dudes”.  All there to…??? 

          Just above the head of the Thomas Jefferson statue, inscribed around the bottom of the dome, I re-read the words of Jefferson: “I have sworn up0n the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man”.  I looked back at the dancing crowd…gazed toward Jefferson…immediately thought of Voltaire’s influence on Jefferson and the Voltaire quote paraphrased by Jefferson: I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”   Another scan of the “dancing” group was all it took…the Spirit of Jefferson was all around.  He was smiling from the Heavens above.  This was what FREEDOM looked like!

          No arrests were made and “Victory” was the mood of the participants.  The main stream media wrote opinions both for and against the actions of the “dancers”.  Leonard Pitts Jr., in the Kansas City Star, wrote:  “So what’s most offensive about these arrests for crimes of Terpsichore is not the insult to free expression, but the insult to common sense, the implied assumption that unless some guy waving his arms around is thrown to the ground and handcuffed, the rest of us will indulge our secret desire to do the Macarena in the temple of Lincoln.  There is something heavy-handed and totalitarian in that assumption”

Petula Dvorak, in the Washington Post, wrote:  “I’ll admit I was skeptical, too, given that there are greater things at risk in America these days.  Wait. Wasn’t that the stuff that got said about the kite-ins in 1970? And yet, we’d all probably agree that those arrests look preposterous in hindsight.”

And Eva Rodriquez, in the Washington Post, wrote:  “Before last weekend, I wouldn’t have thought to associate “liberal” dance protestors with “conservative” gun rights advocates. But they actually have a lot in common: a profoundly distorted – and patently wrong – understanding of their constitutional rights.”

          In the end, it really doesn’t matter what was written or covered by todays press…what matters is adherence to the intent and purpose of OUR founding.  That intent, that purpose, was inscribed above the head of Jefferson and can be found in other words of Jefferson:  “I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty, than those attending too small a degree of it.” AND “After all, if freedom of speech means anything, it means a willingness to stand and let people say things with which we disagree, and which do weary us considerably”

What are the “Dance Parties at TJ’s” REALLY all about?  It’s about the rattle-snake as illustrated on the Gadsden Flag…”Don’t Tread On Me”.  It’s about the warning system Benjamin Franklin wrote of when describing the symbolism of the rattlesnake on the flag:  “She never begins an attack, nor, when once engaged, ever surrenders: She is therefore an emblem of magnanimity and true courage. … she never wounds ’till she has generously given notice, even to her enemy, and cautioned him against the danger of treading on her.”  Notice was the purpose…We, the people of these United States of America know what Freedom looks like and what we are experiencing today is NOT recognizable! NOTICE!

Statement on Boren Announcement to Not Seek Re-election

June 8, 2011

— 08 June, 2011 —

     Yesterday afternoon Rep. Dan Boren announced he would not seek re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives for Oklahoma’s 2nd. Congressional District.  Rep. Boren had been elected to four consecutive terms to serve the interests of the good, hard-working citizens of Eastern Oklahoma and, I believe, in his mind he truly believed he worked toward this end and each election victory he secured served to reinforce that belief.  Rep. Boren served the citizens of Eastern Oklahoma, but, I do not believe he served them well.

     I actually like Dan Boren…you can’t help but like him.  I disliked Rep. Dan Boren as a representative of We, the people in Oklahoma’s 2nd. Congressional district as his actions (votes), more often than not, did not represent the values and principles of OUR nations founding which mirror the values and principles of the citizens of Eastern Oklahoma.  With that being said, and from Rep. Boren’s perspective, he did SERVE in a very trying position during very contentious times…for that I offer my appreciation and wish Dan Boren and his family nothing but the best in the days ahead.

     In the hours leading up to Rep. Boren’s official announcement, and persisting up to the writing of this statement, I have received over a hundred communications inquiring about the road ahead.  I truly believe OKD2 will become a Republican pick-up come Nov. 2012.  Several potential Republican candidates have already begun to appear in the public domain.  Former State Representative Tad Jones, Freshman State Senator Josh Brecheen, and current State House Representative George Faught (who has formed an Exploratory Committee) are among them. 

     This upcoming election season will bring a national political spotlight to OKD2, and deservedly so, the likes of which we have never seen.  After a total absence of National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) involvement in OKD2 during the past decade-plus, the NRCC began, two months ago, with robocalls targeting Boren’s district that signaled their intent to carry through with a promise which failed to come to fruition this last election cycle.  With Boren removed from consideration, Oklahoma’s slate of elected Republicans will now be free to support a Republican for this open seat.

     Over the past several months myself  and members of the campaign have been asked as to my aspirations regarding this congressional seat.  With the recent announcement, those questions have become a bit more persistent.  My answer now is the same as it was six months ago:  I have no plans to seek the Republican party nomination for U.S. Congress to represent Oklahoma’s 2nd. Congressional District.  We believe that efforts to restore constitutional government, openness, accountability, government restraint, fiscal responsibility, systemic prosperity rather than systemic decline, expansion of Freedom, and individual Liberty can best be focused by utilizing many of the other very important avenues.

     I look forward to the upcoming campaign season which will most assuredly culminate in the election of a true constitutional conservative to represent the wonderful folks of Oklahoma District 2…a representative OF the people which We, the people of Eastern Oklahoma require, deserve, and demand.

May God continue to Bless each and every one us

Thank you,

Howard Houchen

AxXiom for Liberty LIVE_5-20-11

May 20, 2011


Tonight on AxXiom for Liberty, 6:00 to 8:00pm CST, Kaye and I may struggle a bit as we attempt to make sense of the insensible relative to Government programs designed to study (and most likely, implement) “Tax-by-the-miles-driven”.  Not much of an issue, on the surface, until you understand the TRULY invasive nature of the tools most likely to be used:  Can you say – “SUR – VEIL – LANCE”?  We will welcome, from Minnesota, Attorney Nathan Hansen: AND returning guest Dan Feidt: to discuss what they have discovered and thoroughly researched.

Kaye and I will also discuss some “interesting happenings” at the Oklahoma State Capitol this passed week when an Oklahoma Legislator said: “You ALL look the same to me”.  We will also present other issues Oklahomans and Americans need to be aware of and, we believe, very concerned about — including the Death of the War Powers Act, new accounts of Enemies of the State, and just what kind/form of government are we REALLY existing with and how do we function under this system.

Tonite promises to be another one of those “DON’T MISS” experiences as we dive into the REAL issues threatening the America-that-should-be.

Tune-in at 6:00pm CST or ListeLive at You can also ListenLive by dialing: 512-485-9010 on your phone.

The Question/Comment line is: 512-646-1984

AxXiom for Liberty Live Radio_2-25-11

February 25, 2011

 AxXiom for Liberty Live, tonight 6:00 – 8:00 pm CST:

Kaye and I welcome:
Meredith Dake – Producer for the Stage Right Show, contributor at Andrew Breitbart’s Big Journalism and Big Hollywood.
Adrienne O’Reilly – Oklahoma Director of Students for Conceal Carry on Campus.
Tim Gillespie – Founder and Director of the Oklahoma Second Amendment Association.
AxXiom for Liberty is on the Rule of Law Radio Network that is broadcast on AM and FM stations in 21 states and you can also Listen Live at  Call  in with questions or comments from 6:00 to 8:00 pm CST every Friday: 512-646-1984.
Every week Kaye Beach and I discuss the topics you will not hear or see the main stream media types (or very many others)  report on…much less examine in order to help you answer the most important question of all: 
“How Free do you want to be?”
We attempt to make sense of the insensible while objectively surveying the problems and possible solutions to the issues that continually threaten individual Liberty and personal Freedoms.

Guess What, Barack? We Have OUR Keys Back!

November 4, 2010

We, the People…Have the Keys!

Howard Houchen


            In early 2010 Barack Obama’s handlers developed an analogy for him to splash about the airwaves and repeat at public appearances (over, and over, and over, and over, and over again).  The analogy was one of Republicans driving a car (the U.S. economy) into a ditch (deep recession) and the Obama Rescue Crew is called in to salvage the car and get it moving along the road to recovery.  As the story goes, the self-proclaimed Master Mechanic Obama and his Pit Crew (the Lackluster-Lackeys), successfully dislodge the car (the U.S. Economy) from the pit of despair (recession) and put it back on track only to have the Republicans ask for the keys back.  Pit-Boss Obama then tells us that “you” can’t have the keys back.  Hmmm…

            It has always been my contention that what THESE folks did to THAT car while it was at its most vulnerable could more readily be described as “vehicular stripping” and that the man in charge should be known as “Chop-Shop Barack” and that THOSE keys were never HIS in the first place.  Guess what?  The election results of Nov. 2, 2010 proved me, and tens of millions of American citizens, RIGHT!  Those keys are OURS and it is you, Chop-Shop Barack, who possesses no authority whatsoever to decide who gets the keys to OUR economy…They belong to We, the People!

            With a mighty heave and a resounding opening salvo, the citizens of these United States of America firmly rejected the policies of a central-planning “Ruling-Class” who incorrectly believed they were the “Keepers of the Keys”.  With this clear and concise action, Washington can no longer mistake our wishes.  Yes, we have our keys…BUT…we must secure them with vigilance and dedication to our stated principles.  We must never again allow citizen non-participation in this great American experiment in self-government to empower those in legislative positions whose philosophies run counter to OUR founding principles.  We ALL must stay engaged and steer OUR course. 

            As citizens, we are the “Keepers of the Keys” and with this comes the responsibility of ensuring our drivers steer a straight course, a course we have set for them.  Any deviation from the course that leads to greater freedoms, less government interference, lower taxes, more economic freedom, and security in our blessing of individual liberty must be met with swift and clear action on our part.  Yes, we have our keys but what we do with them from this point forward will be the defining characteristic of this movement to restore America to the mantle of history’s greatest and lasting achievements.

Senator Cory Bernardi (South Australia) on Axxiom for Liberty Radio_10-22-2010

October 22, 2010

Tonight I will co-host “Axxiom for Liberty Radio with Kaye Beach” from 6:00 to 8:00 PM CST (US).  This shoudl be one show you will not want to miss.  We have as our guest, Senator Cory Bernardi (South Australia). Senator Bernardi came to my attention almost two years ago by way of a “hometown girl” turned Aussie citizen.  I began to read and listen to quite a bit of his writings and speeches and thought to myself: “This guy sounds like me (different accent though)”. 

Cory is among the most Conservative of voices in Australian politics and will not shy away from controversy nor throw his conservative principles to the way-side.  He is a staunch supporter of property rights, lower taxation on Australian citizens, national sovereignty (vs World governance), a HUGE anthropogenic climate-change critic (calls Al Gore “The Myth-Maker”), hates Cap and Trade, struggles to limit the power of federal government, works to preserve and restore natural individual RIGHTS, and-so-on, and-so-on, and-so-on.

We will also have Marcus Kesler of The Oklahoma Pirate Party talking about the planned rally at the Oklahoma Stae Capitol on Oct 30 as well as Kirk Shelly representing Campaign for Liberty who will discuss a petition drive to protect PERSONAL INFORMATION from reaching the hands of the almight Big Government!

Should be a great show so please go to to ListenLive or get more info on the radio stations the show broadcasts from in the NINETEEN state coverage area as well as other ways to listen to the show.

see ya there!

A “FUNERAL” to Mark the Death of Property Rights in Australia

October 21, 2010
           On this weeks “The Road to Liberty with Howard Houchen” show, I interview Debra Medina, former Texas gubernatorial candidate and President of We Texans, about Property Rights and ownership in Texas and the rest of America.  For those of us who pay close attention to this most fundamental aspect of Liberty, we understand that the notion of “actually owning property” is rapidly declining and can be considered “DEAD” in many instances.  At the very least, we view the current state of property rights as being in severe deterioration.  Some may ask what the future holds if we allow more government intervention and do not “hold-the-line” on OUR ability to “OWN” property and roll-back many of the current policies, laws, and regulations governments have imposed on OUR property. 
           I have a case that provides that magical looking-glass into the future…it is happening in West Australia.  The case surrounding the Narrogin Feed-Lot is not at all complicated but it is quite a chore to relay all the details.  In short, the hyper-environmentalism lobby, married to a corrupt quasi-governmental entity, sired by a Progressive govetnance philosophy, has just killed any notion that Property Rights extend to a Property owner.  What we learn from this case is that YOUR Property, MY Property, OUR Property, can be confiscated even if all laws, regulations, licenses, codes, and political whims are fulfilled!  That is exactly what is taking place in W. Australia as I write this and this is exactly what WILL take place here and elsewhere if WE fail to hold-the-line on government usurpations of power.
           On Monday, October 25, 2010, a “Funeral” will be held on the step of Parliament House in Perth WA to signify the death of Property Rights in Australia.  Those in attendance will be wearing the traditional color of mourning…BLACK…and speakers will eulogize this tragic loss by recounting brighter days.  Days of not-so-long-ago when a property owner could make decisons like; I want to make fire-break s as to make more of my land immune to the spread of wild-fires or I would like to drill a well and use the water I find or I want to operate a business utilizing my land (while adhering to every rule in exstence) that produces goods in an efficient and safe manner.
           Here is a quote concerning what many are facing: ” …we’re looking to lend the Premier a bit of support in his commitment to taking action on property rights this year.  If you have been affected by Native Vegetation Clearing Bans, Groundwater Protection Notices, Heritage Listing, Planning Regulations, Licencing Impositions, or other assaults on what you thought was your private property, come along and lend your support to this important PEACEFUL demonstration.”
Here is a link to “Funeral” and “Burial Ceremony” announcement as well as the place that provides all the details of what has and is happening in Australia:
           Ladies and Gentlemen, for OUR boys and girls, WE must not allow OUR government…YOU must not allow YOUR government…to steal this essential element of Liberty right in front of us!!!  The struggle for Freedom and the maintenance of Liberty is never-ending and never easy and many times it is never pretty.  But it IS NECESSARY!

Rep. Dan Boren’s INEXCUSABLE Action on 9-29-10

September 29, 2010

Mr. Blued-Hog himself, OUR illustrious member of the Ruling Class in Washington, Dan Boren, has done it again – REAL GOOD ONE THIS TIME!

In a 210 – 209 vote, OUR U.S. House of Representatives voted to adjourn the House without EVEN CONSIDERING extension of tax-cuts (called the Bush Tax-Cuts).  Guess how OUR main-stream-media and self-described Blued-Hog Rep voted?  You know, the guy who runs around claiming to be all “I’m a fiscal conservative and I think we have too much government and too much spending and too many taxes…”, Mr. Dan Boren voted FOR adjournment while 39 fellow Dems (fellow Enablers) voted with Repubs to discuss the tax-cuts issue further.

Now, think about this…the vote was 210 to 209 for putting a nail in the extension tax cuts.  Two hundred and ten members of the Ruling Class have spoke for the entire country and they say we don’t want or need tax cuts!  Had Boren voted on his public rhetoric rather than his steadfast Progressive principle, the extension of tax-cuts would still be alive and well RIGHT NOW!

Single-handedly, OUR Representative in Washington – Mr. Dan Boren – has killed the possibility of a pro-business, pro-economic Freedom, less government piece of legislation.  DAN BOREN DID THIS!!!

(SEE Roll Call 546 at for this sickening display of arrogance)

Former U.S. Congressional Candidate Howard Houchen Set To Host Political Talk Show

August 20, 2010


Contact: James Wyatt, Producer

Venture Studios Inc

903-785-8899 X14

Former U.S. Congressional Candidate Howard Houchen Set To Host Political Talk Show


(Paris, Texas) 20 August 2010 – As the lights started go out on Howard Houchen’s bid for U.S. Congress the lights were coming up on the set of Mr. Houchen’s new conservative political television show, The Road To Liberty. Venture Studios producer James Wyatt approached Mr. Houchen late in his campaign for Oklahoma’s 2nd District Congressional seat about the idea of hosting a conservative political talk show. Wyatt said, “I saw Howard had a unique quality that resonated with audiences on the campaign trail. His style and personality was something that we at Venture felt would translate very well to television.” 

The thirty minute program, The Road To Liberty, is currently slated for thirteen episodes which has already begun filming at the Venture Studio’s facility. Guests from across the country will be featured each week discussing the topics of primary interest to conservative Americans. The show will be set apart from other programs of this type by Mr. Houchen’s demonstrated ability to relate the topics to everyday life and how government overstepping the bounds of our Founders’ intent is quickly taking this country off the intended path desired by the majority of Americans.

Mr. Houchen stated, “I’m really excited about the opportunity to continue reaching out to hard-working American citizens about the principles of constitutional conservatism, the proper role of government, and the absolute necessity of ensuring We, the people, check and roll back the powers of the political-class over the working-class”.  Houchen went on to say; “We are all Americans, it is our duty to protect and defend the rule book by which we are to govern ourselves…the U.S. Constitution.  To do anything less will lead to the demise of the greatest nation God ever blessed.”

Plans for the program include an initial launch in North Texas in several markets served by various cable providers. Negotiations will be ongoing during production for broadcast rights in Texas and Oklahoma markets and with satellite program providers for distribution to over 76,000,000 homes across the U.S. Viewers will also be able to watch and interact with the program at the website

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