Posts Tagged ‘global warming’

Houchen says Sen. Ellis Presents SB1327 as Something It Is NOT

May 8, 2012

Also available in The McCarville Report:

SB1327 is a bad bill for SE Oklahoma and does little to nothing to ensure we have a voice.
05 May 2012 (Hugo, OK) — Oklahoma Senate District 5 challenger, Howard Houchen, states:  “Senator Ellis says he wants to strengthen local control but in advocating for passage of SB1327, he is doing exactly the opposite!”

Sen. Ellis has made a hearty endorsement of the House amendment to Senate Bill 1327 but the changes made to this bill can hardly be thought of as an amendment.   SB1327 was actually gutted and replaced l with the language of another measure, HB2914.  HB2914, the “Regional Water Planning Act” was a highly problematic bill intended to create nine regional councils to manage Oklahoma’s water planning which would add another layer of government onto the already profoundly complex issue of water rights and water management.  The amended SB1327 now mandates the establishment of nine Regional Councils to manage our water.

Sen. Ellis is particularly pleased with the alteration to SB1327 that would require the members of these new Regional Councils be elected rather than appointed and to Sen. Ellis’ credit, if we are going to add yet another authority to manage our water resources, then indeed, some representation is better than none.  But this does not mean, as Sen. Ellis says, “the interests and needs of local communities would have representation in the decision making process.”  Source: The McCarville Report May 2, 2012
Oklahomans should know that SB1327 stipulates that the role of the Regional Council is advisory only.  They have no regulatory authority or any other authority.    This means that the Regional Councils do not have the power necessary to represent the people in any real sense.
“I believe Ellis’ intentions are good”, says Houchen,  “but he is totally missing the fact that regional management of our water resources will inevitably make the decision making process less local, not more.”

The powerless Regional Councils do have a mandate to fulfill, however.  This bill, supported by Ellis, requires the Regional Councils adhere to the ever evolving Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan as a guide for their recommendations on the water management of the nine regions, as has been predetermined by the Oklahoma Water Resources Board.

This is a terrible trade off according to Howard Houchen who explains that his campaign is invested in carefully examining the water issues that face Oklahoma .  “Right now our cities and counties have quite a bit of power when it comes to the water policy decision making process.   I am worried that by establishing these Regional Councils our local governments will end up being mere administrators of the OWRB’s plans and that is not representative government.”

The entire reason for the creation of these Regional Councils comes directly from the 2012 Update to the Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan which recommended that the Legislature authorize the creation of regional planning groups.    No matter how the Council members are chosen, elected or otherwise, the constraints remain the same.  The Regional Councils will follow the dictates of the Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan, a plan that has been soundly criticized by many including Sen. Ellis himself.
Sen. Ellis is to be applauded for his concern for adequate representation of the citizen however, dividing the state into nine new political voting regions is not the answer. Do we really need to be so hasty to enact such a drastic alteration of our traditional government structure?

If Sen. Ellis has so little faith in the statewide plan why would he support a measure that will create a mandate that effectively binds water management throughout the state to the plan?  This does not provide the constituents of SD5 or any Oklahomans with the representation that they need and deserve.
It is clear that If we continue on the path that Sen.  Ellis is endorsing, Oklahomans can expect to have less control over their natural resources, not more.   

Howard Houchen
OK State Senate D5 – Candidate
P.O. Box 353
Hugo, Oklahoma 74743

Climate Change, Charlie Manson, and the CCCP!

April 19, 2011

‘Everyone’s God and if we don’t wake up to that there’s going to be no weather because our polar caps are melting because we’re doing bad things to the atmosphere…” — Charles Manson, 2011


          Every now and then, even a blind squirrel finds a nut.  Buried in an article published in the UK’s Daily Mail online edition is an article originally titled: “Killer Breaks 20 year Silence on 40th anniversary of gruesome Sharon Tate murders”.  Immediately the words “HELTER SKELTER” jump to mind with the image of a swastika carved into the forehead of Charles Manson.  But, in the opening paragraphs there is something missed by almost everyone…in the midst of ole Charlie’s ramblings is the evidence.  Evidence so solid that it will save and eventually usher in a renewal of free market principles around the world.

          For decades now the likes of Albert “Alfonse Corleone” Gore, William “Cigar-Boy” Clinton, Julia “Carbon-Tax” Gillard, and Barack “Barry” Obama have told us their prophecies, based on “science”, relative to the harm we humans were causing our fragile planet.  Their “science” has recently been discovered to be….hmmmm…wanting facts.  Despite this “temporary” set-back, the Climate Change Coup Pack (CCCP) charges ahead with administrative efforts (not legislative, because the peasants are growing wise) at curbing that which most life on earth either exhales or uses as fuel to produce that which most life inhales. 

          Many skeptics of anthropogenic climate change spend a great deal of time, resources, and effort at discovering, analyzing, compiling, and presenting PROOF that the CCCP are simply wrong and that the efforts of the CCCP are designed to strangle the last bits of life out free-market capitalism and go full-bore toward an absolute central-planning system (global, mind you).  

           The CCCP supporters always point to “the science” and tell us that “the science” is not wrong…just misrepresented, misinterpreted, mislabeled, misspelled, misplaced, mismatched, misunderstood, misaligned, missing, or just missed it.  It always seems as if the CCCP “science” isn’t quite as exact as REAL science is supposed to be.  It is here, where CCCP “science” meets REAL science, that the truth of this supposed anthropogenic climate change is found.  A truth that is irrefutable!

          Enter Charles Manson…a certifiable lunatic (by ANY definition employing virtually ANY standard) who has been scientifically tested  probably more than any single human on this thriving planet.  Each and every scientific test performed on Charlie return the same result:  He has absolutely NO connection to reality.  Every rambling moment, every twisted thought, every conclusion, and every decision this dude makes originates from LALA-Land.  Ladies and Gentlemen, policy-makers, policy-advisors, legislators, global delegates, citizens of this big blue ball…if Charles Manson says it is so…that is PROOF that it can’t be so!

          In this obscure interview of Charles Manson hides the key to FREEDOM…Freedom from government interventions and usurpations of power.  Freedom to once again let people produce in ways the market dictates, not government.  Ole crazy Charlie has finally (though unknowingly) done a good deed.  By siding with the CCCP he has provided the evidence and revealed the truth — only lunatics with a bastardized view of reality can hold the “science” of the CCCP as plausible.  I knew those eyes pierced more than the souls of his cult followers…look into the eyes of the CCCP and you see shades of Charlie — the need to CONTROL!




(NOTE: Approximately 6 hrs after the interview article was published at Daily Mail, the title changed to: “Global Warming Must be True, Charles Manson Believes It…” You can read my original remarks on this at!/howardhouchen/posts/206710839351330?notif_t=like and you be the judge).


Senator Cory Bernardi (South Australia) on Axxiom for Liberty Radio_10-22-2010

October 22, 2010

Tonight I will co-host “Axxiom for Liberty Radio with Kaye Beach” from 6:00 to 8:00 PM CST (US).  This shoudl be one show you will not want to miss.  We have as our guest, Senator Cory Bernardi (South Australia). Senator Bernardi came to my attention almost two years ago by way of a “hometown girl” turned Aussie citizen.  I began to read and listen to quite a bit of his writings and speeches and thought to myself: “This guy sounds like me (different accent though)”. 

Cory is among the most Conservative of voices in Australian politics and will not shy away from controversy nor throw his conservative principles to the way-side.  He is a staunch supporter of property rights, lower taxation on Australian citizens, national sovereignty (vs World governance), a HUGE anthropogenic climate-change critic (calls Al Gore “The Myth-Maker”), hates Cap and Trade, struggles to limit the power of federal government, works to preserve and restore natural individual RIGHTS, and-so-on, and-so-on, and-so-on.

We will also have Marcus Kesler of The Oklahoma Pirate Party talking about the planned rally at the Oklahoma Stae Capitol on Oct 30 as well as Kirk Shelly representing Campaign for Liberty who will discuss a petition drive to protect PERSONAL INFORMATION from reaching the hands of the almight Big Government!

Should be a great show so please go to to ListenLive or get more info on the radio stations the show broadcasts from in the NINETEEN state coverage area as well as other ways to listen to the show.

see ya there!

A “FUNERAL” to Mark the Death of Property Rights in Australia

October 21, 2010
           On this weeks “The Road to Liberty with Howard Houchen” show, I interview Debra Medina, former Texas gubernatorial candidate and President of We Texans, about Property Rights and ownership in Texas and the rest of America.  For those of us who pay close attention to this most fundamental aspect of Liberty, we understand that the notion of “actually owning property” is rapidly declining and can be considered “DEAD” in many instances.  At the very least, we view the current state of property rights as being in severe deterioration.  Some may ask what the future holds if we allow more government intervention and do not “hold-the-line” on OUR ability to “OWN” property and roll-back many of the current policies, laws, and regulations governments have imposed on OUR property. 
           I have a case that provides that magical looking-glass into the future…it is happening in West Australia.  The case surrounding the Narrogin Feed-Lot is not at all complicated but it is quite a chore to relay all the details.  In short, the hyper-environmentalism lobby, married to a corrupt quasi-governmental entity, sired by a Progressive govetnance philosophy, has just killed any notion that Property Rights extend to a Property owner.  What we learn from this case is that YOUR Property, MY Property, OUR Property, can be confiscated even if all laws, regulations, licenses, codes, and political whims are fulfilled!  That is exactly what is taking place in W. Australia as I write this and this is exactly what WILL take place here and elsewhere if WE fail to hold-the-line on government usurpations of power.
           On Monday, October 25, 2010, a “Funeral” will be held on the step of Parliament House in Perth WA to signify the death of Property Rights in Australia.  Those in attendance will be wearing the traditional color of mourning…BLACK…and speakers will eulogize this tragic loss by recounting brighter days.  Days of not-so-long-ago when a property owner could make decisons like; I want to make fire-break s as to make more of my land immune to the spread of wild-fires or I would like to drill a well and use the water I find or I want to operate a business utilizing my land (while adhering to every rule in exstence) that produces goods in an efficient and safe manner.
           Here is a quote concerning what many are facing: ” …we’re looking to lend the Premier a bit of support in his commitment to taking action on property rights this year.  If you have been affected by Native Vegetation Clearing Bans, Groundwater Protection Notices, Heritage Listing, Planning Regulations, Licencing Impositions, or other assaults on what you thought was your private property, come along and lend your support to this important PEACEFUL demonstration.”
Here is a link to “Funeral” and “Burial Ceremony” announcement as well as the place that provides all the details of what has and is happening in Australia:
           Ladies and Gentlemen, for OUR boys and girls, WE must not allow OUR government…YOU must not allow YOUR government…to steal this essential element of Liberty right in front of us!!!  The struggle for Freedom and the maintenance of Liberty is never-ending and never easy and many times it is never pretty.  But it IS NECESSARY!

The Future of Property Rights and the Impact of Hyper-Environmentalism in America?

October 6, 2010

There exists a story, so horrific, coming out of West Australia that every single person who wishes to remain free must be made aware of. This story, like the personal firearm confiscation act of a past Australian government, is the crystal clear omen of things to come here in America.

 I simply urge you to take the 16 minutes and watch these two videos on YouTube which tell the story better than I could ever hope to:

 South Australia Senator, Cory Bernardi, has taken up the issue but the hyper-environmentalism lobby that permeates the Australian Department of Environment and Conservation is not subject to political or public oversight (sound familiar?). The central-planning government currently in place, along with this over-reaching, unaccountable, bureaucracy is literally STEALING productivity from producers and property from lawful property owners. After years of kow-towing to pencil-pushing know-nothings, years of bureaucratic red-tape, filing for government licenses, meeting regulatory standard after regulatory standard, public notices, license revocations, contracts, and outright government deceit…the GOVERNMENT has changed the rules in mid-stream.

Business…producers, the drivers of an economic machine…cannot function in such an environment. The hoops that this family has jumped through, at the whim of government to satisfy government, was for NOTHING! Listen and watch this story carefully, you will see and hear eerie similarities to what has been occurring and what is likely to occur here in America. Government intervention of this magnitude will ALWAYS have deadly repercussions…no exceptions!

Below is a link to a site which chronicles the events surrounding the Thompson’s saga. This link goes directly to Senator Bernardi’s statement in Parliament on 28 Sept. 2010.

I am advised the Thompson family have broken no law, they have no outstanding environmental infringements, they have done everything asked of them by government, they are popular in their local community and nearby towns, and yet they still face ruin. They run a profitable business—or they ran a profitable business. But an over-officious and what would appear to be an overzealous government bureaucracy has cut the profitability of their business and their ability to access any capital.” Senator Cory Bernardi to Parliament, 6:54 pm 28 Sept. 2010

Kaye Beach and I will be interviewing Senator Cory Bernardi on Axxiom for Liberty Radio on October 22, 2010 6:00 to 8:00 pm.

One last note: The Janet Thompson in this story is from my hometown of Hugo, Oklahoma.  We went to high-school together.  I know her sisters, her brother, her parents.  This family is a model of citizenship (Aussie or American) and service to community…impeccable graciousness and fortitude.  As we say here: They’re just good people

She suggests writing an e-mail to Colin Barnett, Premier of West Australia:

The Honourable Colin Barnett, Premier of W.A.

The Height of Arrogance

February 15, 2010

The Height of Arrogance:

            I began discussing the arrogance of this current administration, and the Enablers of this administration’s policies, long before the term “ARROGANT” was the moniker of the day being used by pundits on the night of Scott Brown’s election victory in Massachusetts to describe those on the left-end of an already too Progressive of an agenda. 

            No heed has been paid to these legitimate descriptions by those Enablers, they continue to adopt policies, legislate, and force their own brand of governance without regard to fact, constitutional authority, or the will of the people.  A fairly good example of this can be found in two headlines separated by less than two weeks.

            The first was the Obama administration’s decision to scale back the scope of NASA relative to manned space-flight and now include a mandate for NASA to concentrate on “climate change research and monitoring” (see for this New Scientist article).  The second headline unceremoniously declares that research and science relied on by those of the doom and gloom, carbon credit buying, selling, and trading crowd (can you say Mr. Gore, Ms. Boxer, and Mr. Obama) is a great big farce.  We learn that “warming periods have happened before – but NOT due to man-made changes” (see for the Mail Online article).  I say “we learn” to be a bit arrogant myself.  Many of us already knew, many cold-moons ago, that human caused global-warming is a tool designed for purposes other than stated goals espoused by the current ruling apparatus. 

            If uncorrupted scientists and the majority of the free population around the world is able to understand that global warming is a part of natural cycles this planet has endured for millennia, why are we directing even more of our precious and very limited resources (derived from confiscation of the citizens property in the form of taxes) to further an agenda that has been proven to be false?  The answer is simple: because they do not care if the premise is false.  The current administration and its Enablers have a goal in mind and toss aside all rational reasoning that interferes with that goal.  What is that goal, you ask:  To concentrate the ability to influence (power) at the federal level.  Saying that man-made global warming will end us all allows GOVERNMENT to intervene in areas that otherwise the citizenry, and OUR Constitution, would not allow.

            For this administration, and for those in the position to oppose this (the side-line Enablers), to go forward with their Progressive agenda in spite of hard fact opposing the premise of their argument is the height of Arrogance!

God Bless America and Hang in There!